Create an Account at MediaFire Easily and Quickly

Create an Account at MediaFire Easily and Quickly

About MediaFire

MediaFire is a free file and image sharing website which is located in Texas, in the United States. It was founded in 2006. According to a Compete.com study, MediaFire attracts almost 60 million visitors every year. MediaFire provides unlimited storage and a limit of 200 MB per file (4GB for Pro users and 10 GB for Business users), and it provides immediate downloads and simultaneous downloading. It just requires a user’s cookies to be enabled and a CAPTCHA if users download a file then re-download it.

About MediaFire Account

MediaFire provides sign-up accounts for their users to make file and image sharing easier and simpler. They have three types of account: free account, Pro account, and Business account. Different accounts provide file storage and sharing of different range and size. Pro and Business accounts required that subscribers pay some money every month.

By creating an account at MediaFire, you can use the services they provide to account holders, including unlimited fast simultaneous downloads, unlimited online storage, long term storage, file and folder sharing and so on. The sign-up process is easy, simple and convenient.

How to create an account at MediaFire?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
  2. A valid email address.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to MediaFire’s website at http://www.mediafire.com/ and click on the button marked “Sign Up” at the top of the website.
  2. Choose the type of account you would like to create, a free account, a Pro account, or a Business account. Take a free account as an example. Click on the green button marked “Try It” under the sign “Free”.
  3. Enter the asked for information into the required boxes and then click on the button marked “Create Account & Continue”.
  4. Follow instructions to complete the sign-up process and then you can log in to enjoy their services.
  5. If you need help, you can go to their help page at http://support.mediafire.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/List/Index/1/general-questions.


MediaFire provides different types of accounts to meet the requirements of different customers. It is really an excellent service for file sharing and storage.

(4.5, 290 Votes)